Do you find it challenging to talk about relationships and sex with young people?
You’re not alone.
In fact, half of all churches simply avoid the topic altogether and don’t talk about it with their young people at all.
We get it. It can be a tricky topic, and one a lot of people can find awkward to broach.
However, for young people, the topic of relationships and sex is rated the third highest priority; our young people want to talk about it, so it’s even more important that we don’t avoid it.
But with the results of a recent survey of 318 Christian youth workers suggesting that in many churches conversations about sex are a mixture of shamefulness, silence, and harm, how, as youth workers, can you approach this topic in a helpful and meaningful way?

Fullness: by youth workers, for youth workers
That’s where our Fullness course can help. It’s crafted by youth workers, for youth workers, and is uniquely tailored to help you serve your young people in an authentic and life-affirming way.
Youth workers often hold a unique position in young people’s lives, trusted and looked to for help navigating the pressures and struggles that come with this rapidly evolving stage of life.
This puts you, as a youth worker, in a great place to be able to help reshape the narrative, revolutionising the way we think and speak about relationships and sex, particularly within the wider church setting.
Why choose Fullness?
The Fullness course is designed to help you feel empowered and confident to deal with difficult questions in a practical and knowledgeable way.
“Engaging and interactive…a serious and awkward topic made fun and relaxed, helping to better speak to our young people.”
Practical and interactive, the course will help you grow in confidence, develop practical skills to lead small group sessions, and make sure you’re up to date with the current RSE landscape in schools.
What’s covered on the course?
- Biblical foundations - why Christians should engage in conversations about relationships and sex.
- Educational impact - Keeping youth workers updated on changes in RSE in schools and how these are impacting young people.
- Practical skills - Equipping youth workers to facilitate small group sessions to help young people navigate questions around relationships and sex.
- Proactive conversations - Empowering youth workers to engage confidently in informal discussions with young people.
- Safe spaces - Creating an environment where difficult questions can be asked, and diverse ideas on approaching these subjects can be explored.
- Breaking the silence - Helping youth workers change cultures of silence around relationships and sex that often lead young people feeling isolated.
Who is the course for?
The course is open to Christian youth workers from all denominations.
Written by Hayley, our Events & Membership Officer