In order to answer the need for high-quality RSE for children with SEND, we hope to expand our SEND school delivery in Cheshire schools in the next academic year. We need to raise £4,000 to help us do this, and are planning an appeal in May/June 2025 to raise funds.

A new HIV teaching resource
This National HIV Testing Week, we launched a new ‘Routes of HIV Transmission’ resource to help teachers and other educators challenge stigma and misconceptions about HIV.

A new teaching resource for National HIV Testing Week
This National HIV Testing week, we are launching a new ‘Routes of HIV Transmission’ resource to help teachers and other educators challenge stigma and misconceptions about HIV. I

Since the creation of Six Degrees (a site similar to Facebook) in 1997, social media has become something that many of us cannot imagine living without.

Breaking the Silence: Understanding and Preventing Sexual Abuse and Violence
Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week (February 3rd-9th) is a crucial time to raise awareness about these devastating crimes and support survivors.

Parental Mental Health Day
Parental mental health is a critical but often overlooked aspect of family well-being. When parents struggle with their mental health, it can have profound effects on their ability to care for themselves and their children.

You have the power to choose another colour: Reflecting on ‘Blue Monday’
The term Blue Monday was coined by Sky Travel to the third Monday in January as they considered it to be the most depressing day of the year.

Psalm 114: God turning up!
When was the last time you felt God ‘turning up’? And knew in the pit of your stomach … it was Him?
Guest blog by Rev Robert Ireton

A Big Give Thank You!!
The Big Give Christmas Challenge is now over! 94 people took part, raising a STUPENDOUS £22,137 in one week!

The Big Give Christmas Challenge
The Big Give Christmas Challenge is underway! For 7 days (midday Dec 3rd to midday Dec 10th) our pledgers will DOUBLE your donation.

Something as simple as a key can change a life
South Africa remains the epicentre of the global HIV pandemic with 7.7 million people infected and millions of children orphaned by AIDS. Kwa-Zulu Natal province carries the heaviest burden.

World AIDS Day
“If I hadn’t come to this project, I would still be a sex worker with no knowledge of HIV.”
But surely everyone knows about HIV by now?
If only that was true!