
Zimbabwe: Shining Stars

The Shining Star team visit red light districts to speak to women who are engaged in the sex trade about joining the Shining Star programme as Peer Educators.

South Africa: Building New Homes

In April 2022, Kwa-Zulu Natal experienced heavy and destructive rainfall, causing fatal flooding and horrendous damage.

The death toll was around 450 people.

A developing curriculum

Our tiny primary school team (just one full-time and one part-time worker) put in an enormous amount of work in the 2022/23 academic year visiting 6 different schools with multiple lessons reaching 1,591 primary-aged children.

South Africa: Peer Education

The Beaded Anklet project has had to halt its youth entrepreneur programme due to death threats issued by the ’blessers’ who target and exploit local vulnerable girls.

Ukraine: Teens & Joy

It has been wonderful to hear of the difference ACET Ukraine’s Teens and Joy project has had on young people.

Earlybird offer

In the 2022/23 school year, we trained another 107 people, from 15 countries, through our comprehensive, accredited relationships and sex education (RSE) course.

November 2023 Newsletter

Welcome to the November 2023 issue of our Salt and Light newsletter. Click the links below to read individual stories or read the newsletter in its entirety here

International Day of the Girl

This year, the International Day of the Girl occurs just a few months after an unlikely feminist hero appeared on the big screen in a film containing a powerful monologue on what it means to be a woman.

What does it mean to #BeBrave?

This year’s Youth Mental Health Day theme #BeBrave had me questioning how I felt about that particular phrase.

Celebrating the Unsung Heroes

September 15th is the International Day for Rural Women and it's time to shine a spotlight on these unsung heroes who make the world a better place!

Meet Lanita: The Woman Behind the Fields

Let's start with a story, shall we?

International Day of Charity

When I was in school, I had no idea what Caritas meant, except that we had a Caritas Box on the windowsill.

The sound of ... silence. Psalm 50

My wife and I love kids... We’re blessed to have had four of our own, and now have nine grandchildren too… and would love to have more.