This Fairtrade cotton tote bag has a word cloud of possible verbal responses designed to facilitate discussions about consent. An important skill in any healthy relationship (romantic or friendship) is knowing when and how you want to say no and equally when and how you want to say yes. Many young people have heard that they have the right to say no but may struggle in expressing their wishes. By presenting a variety of responses, both agreeing and disagreeing, young people can practice different ways to negotiate consent.
Medium sized tote bag with words printed
Having the bag allows a youth worker, teacher, or youth practitioner to always have at hand, a visual aid to facilitate conversations about negotiating consent at any time. The bag can be used in reaction to conversations or as the focus of a planned activity. With plenty of space to store your other resources, you always have the opportunity to meet the needs of young people.
How to use
After giving the young people a chance to read through the words, start posing different hypotheticals and ask the young people to discuss which of the responses is most appropriate. Suggested hypotheticals can include a mixture of funny and more serious situations such as:
"Are you a wallaby in disguise?"
"Do you like it when it snows?"
"Do you want to play a board game?"
"I dare you to steal something from that shop!"
"Do you want to go to the cinema next week?"
"Can I have your phone number?"
"Want me to come upstairs?"
"Do you want to play spin the bottle?"
"If you love me, you will have sex with me!"
Young people aren't limited to the responses on the bag but can suggest their own. The aim is to give young people a chance to practice different responses and grow in confidence to express themselves.
Price includes P&P to UK only. Please contact us before purchasing for P&P prices outside of the UK.