Raise FREE donations when you shop online
Raise free donations simply by shopping online at your favourite retailers, using Give As You live. It's so easy, when you switch your insurance or utilities provider; book train and ferry tickets, flights and holidays; shop for your home and garden…and much more.
You can even compare deals, saving yourself money!
Once you have a Give As You Live account, download the Donation Reminder Tool and, every time you visit a retailer who is part of the scheme, you will receive a prompt that your purchase could generate a donation – it’s so easy!
Raise FREE donations when you recycle
Thanks to our partnership with Recycling for Good Causes, you can raise FREE donations for us by sending your unwanted items to them for recycling.
For just a few small items, pop them into an A5 envelope and print the FREEPOST label with a note to say the items are for acet UK. For a larger number of items, or to collect over time, ask for a FREE recycling sack - just call 0800 633 5323 or email customerservices@recyclingforgoodcauses.org and they will deliver and collect the sack free of charge.
Raise FREE donations when you sell on eBay
When selling items on eBay, you can choose to donate a percentage of your selling price to acet UK. eBay for Charity listings are the same as any other eBay listing, except for the blue and yellow eBay for Charity ribbon in the search results - this means your listing can be seen by everyone who searches through eBay and it will also get extra visibility through the eBay for Charity pages.
Every time you list an item for acet UK, you'll get a fee credit on your basic insertion and final value fees equal to the percentage you donate. So if you donate 50% of your selling price our work, eBay will waive 50% of your fees. You can even gift aid your donations!
Raise a FREE donation when you sell your property
Thinking about selling your property? Agnieszha Kazmierczak runs a real estate agency called Leading Property Investments that actively supports charities throughout the UK and internationally.
Agnieszka has generously offered to give acet UK 50% of any property sales commission they receive on properties that we refer to them. So if you, your friends or family want to put your property on the market, please do contact her directly, and say we referred you!

Raise donations on your Shopify store
Have an eCommerce store and want to support us as your brand?
Virtue's easy-to-integrate widget on Shopify helps UK stores enable customers to make a difference to charitable causes. It only takes minutes to set up and go live. Give from products, enable customer donations or set up a giving campaign.