Raise donations when you sell on eBay
When selling items on eBay, you can choose to donate between 10% and 100% of your selling price to acet UK.
Raise FREE funds while you search
Use our dedicated Everyclick page at www.everyclick.com/acet as your search engine and raise donations for acet UK, for FREE, as you surf the web.
Fundraise while you quiz!
Thanks to our partnership with Warp Point, you can run a fun, interactive, online quiz with friends and family - and fundraise for acet UK at the same time!
Warp Point is a FREE platform – follow these few steps to get started:
Recycle your unwanted items and raise FREE donations
Our partners at Recycling for Good Causes will reuse and recycle unwanted or broken jewellery, watches, banknotes, coins, stamps and gadgets, saving precious raw materials and giving the proceeds to acet UK!
There are 3 recycling schemes:
Aneni's story, Zimbabwe
Despite two lockdowns being imposed this year, the Shining Star Project has trained and mentored 75 girls and women engaged in sex work to become peer educators in their communities.
Raise free donations while you shop online
As an acet UK supporter, you can raise funds for our work simply by shopping online at your favourite retailers.
Sign up to Give As You Live and you can generate FREE donations when you:
Challenges faced by our international partners
Our international partners have faced a number of challenges this year, including COVID. It makes difficult reading but we believe that you should know the harsh realities as well as the good news stories.
Salt & Light Newsletter September 2021
As September marks the start of a new academic year, the beginning of autumn is a fresh start – but it is also a time when we reflect on the previous 12 months and give thanks for all the people who have been reached and impacted by the work of the ACET family.
What do you want to do when you grow up?
When we were young, I think this was the most asked question, “What do you want to do when you grow up?"
A huge thank you!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
What a fortnight! The Champions for Children appeal has come to a close and together we have raised £10,000 in 14 days!
RSE Day 2021
RSE day is a chance to celebrate all the amazing relationships and sex education that is happening in the lives of young people.
Why foster?
The question everyone wants to ask, whether they are friends and family or the social worker assessing us, is “Why do you want to foster?”